Process optimization in thermoplastic sector.
One of the key factors in any plastic component manufacturing process is to maintain the temperature within the range guaranteeing an optimal transformation as well as the protection of every system component. In order to cool this system, water is conducted through a circuit specially designed for the cooling purpose.
The heat absorbed by the water as cooling method, is discharged to the outwards. This heat transfers happens in cooling baths, cooling towers and/or evaporative condensers.
The makeup water, the production activity and the cooling towers are responsible of particulate material, dissolved, addition to the cooling circuit. These particles are lodged to the cooling circuit and the heat exchange device, producing fouling, scaling, corrosion and biological activity. The main elements to be protected are nozzles, cooling circuits, heat exchangers and auxiliary elements such as pumps, valves, pipes and accessories.
Previously described phenomena involves all the following consequences on the productive process:
• Production costs increment.
• Maintenance costs increase and system lifespan reduction.
• Drop on final product quality.
• Decrease of cooling system efficiency and related increase of energetic consumption.
The installation of an AZUD Filtration system to treat cooling water, provides numerous advantages:
1. Energetic efficiency increase
- Precipitates and encrustations risks reductions.
- Lower growth of microorganisms.
- Interchangers efficiency improvement.
- Energetic consumption reduction up to 30%.
2. Increase in productivity
- Cycle time reduction up to 30%.
- Production speed increase.
- Fewer maintenance stoppages.
3. Operating costs downsizing
- Significant water savings. Cleaning water consumption lower than 0.01% of the total flow.
- Reduction on frequency and intensity of maintenance labours.
- Machines lifespan increase.
- Fewer chemical products needed to treat water.
4. Final product quality improvement
- Internal voids and deformations mimized.
- High dimensional stability.
- Welding lines disposal.
- Good mechanical features.
- Control on the ocurrence of pinholes and bubbles.